The Bay Area Flood Protection Agencies Association (BAFPAA) was established to coordinate and provide mutual support in planning and implementing flood protection services amongst the flood protection agencies in the Bay Area.

BAFPAA provides a unified voice for Bay Area Flood Protection Agencies in developing and implementing regional plans and working with other regional agencies at the State and Federal level.  BAFPAA participates in the Integrated Regional Water Management Planning (IRWMP) efforts in the Bay Area to integrate projects and programs across all functional service areas.

Mission Statement 

From Rules of Governance 

To provide a forum that focuses on Bay Area flood protection issues and promotes the sharing of ideas, technologies, experiences, legislative approaches, and funding strategies, and provide opportunities for joint projects, while working closely with other interested entities on common watershed, water, and natural resource objectives.

Strategic Plan

2020 to 2023

Goals from Charter (2007)

  1. Provide a unified regional voice that is compatible with individual member interests for regional coordination/collaboration with State and Federal regulatory and resource agencies.
  2. Frame the regional discussions on water/watershed-related issues from a flood-protection perspective.
  3. Provide input into the Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP) process by
    1. Participating on the IRWMP Coordinating Committee
    2. Monitoring and reporting on required IRWMP measures
    3. Recommending funding strategies to further IRWMP goals (e.g., website maintenance)
  4. Provide regional project prioritization to funding entities/programs
  5. Potentially serve as organization to administer, monitor, and report on a multi-agency program for the benefit of the region
  6. Provide guidance on initiatives that fall under the purview and expertise of flood-protection agencies, such as hydrograph modification management and floodplain management
  7. Strengthen the integration of flood protection and stormwater with all functional service areas, particularly the watershed management/habitat-protection service area.
  8. Provide a forum for exchanging information, experience, ideas, technology, and other subjects of mutual interest
  9. Partner in mutual projects, or studies, that are of regional nature or multi-agency based
  10. Partner in applying for future grant funding, as appropriate
  11. Share cost-saving opportunities in the areas of planning and operations (e.g. regional studies and monitoring efforts, coordinating project bidding and regional planning, design, and construction standards)
  12. Provide mutual aid and assistance during emergencies.


Initiative/ActionLead/Responsible PartyHow/When/RoleOther Participants / NotesCharter Goal
A.    Identify and share funding opportunities, including grantsElke Rank, BAFPAA ChairStanding agenda item for monthly callMember agencies share identified opportunities with Chair, as they become aware of them. 10, 11
B.     Collaborate on grants that support regional efforts and further collective goals to maximize the funding to the regionElke Rank, BAFPAA ChairStanding agenda item for monthly callCollaboration opportunities will be identified on monthly call. and interested parties will coordinate on their own.10, 11
C.     Identify, share, and track new and pending policies, regulations, and related court cases.Antonella Gentile, BAFPAA Vice Chair & Ave Brown, Environmental Permitting Committee ChairQuarterly Committee MeetingsIn 2019, developed permit tracking tool, continue to improve? Develop other tools? Committee membership is open.1, 2, 8
D.    Convene and facilitate meetings with resource agencies to minimize barriers to implementing projects and policies that inhibit progress on resiliency matters, including the Stream Homeowner Program TrainingElke Rank, BAFPAA ChairCurrently BAFPAA-facilitated quarterly meetings with Regional Board.Members agencies. Discuss hosting one-on-one meetings with another resource agency.1, 2,7
E.      Advocate for issues of mutual concern to support individual members and collective concerns. Natalie Muradian, BAFPAA Vice ChairStanding agenda item for monthly callMark Strudley, Liaison with CEAC1,8,9
F.     Arrange educational trainings, tours, and workshops on issues of concern, legislation, regulations, etc.Ave Brown, Environmental Permitting Committee ChairQuarterly Committee Meetings6, 9
G.     Support CHARG as a BAFPAA strategic initiative partnering on foundational goals such as funding, permitting, and collaborative efforts to meet our shared goals and visionCarlos Diaz, BAFPAA Vice Chair & Roger Leventhal, CHARG Steering CommitteeStanding agenda item for monthly callCHARG is BAFPAA strategic initiative open to all. CHARG leadership comes from BAFPAA.6,7,8
H.    Partner with CHARG to study area-wide riverine flooding (especially inter-jurisdictional) issuesCarlos Diaz, BAFPAA Vice Chair & Roger Leventhal, CHARG Steering CommitteeAs neededSolicit members6, 9
I.       Study and develop responses to water quality & habitat challenges resulting from homeless populations in riparian areasAntonella Gentile, BAFPAA Vice Chair and Carol Mahoney, Former BAFPAA ChairAs neededSolicit members6, 9
J.       Review new modeling initiatives that serve the region.Carlos Diaz, BAFPAA Vice Chair & Roger LeventhalAs needed7,8,9

2020 – 2023 Initiatives & Actions

As flood-protection agencies for the nine Bay Area counties, BAFPAA members are committed to being resource stewards and proactively partners with local, regional, state, and federal resource-protection agencies to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.  Member agencies utilize best-management practices to guide the design, operation, and maintenance of resilient multi-benefit, flood–protection and environmental-restoration projects. For 2020 through 2023, BAFPAA reaffirms its mission statement and goals (both of which were developed in 2007) and strategically commits to the following initiatives:

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